Issue 4
Feb. 12, 2024
Index | Quote to Note | Past Newsletters
’Don’t Give Up’
Ten Topics for Tom Tiffany Part 4: The 2020 Election
Another Question: Are Trump and Tiffany on Your Side?
DNR Can Regulate Large Animal-Feeding Operations, Judge Rules
Tammy Baldwin Fights for Wisconsinites
ICYMI Local Edition: Judge Isham to Visit Feb. 27 Party Meeting
ICYMI State Edition: Gov. Evers —State of State Address; Response to Redistricting Lawsuit Report
ICYMI National Edition: President Biden and VP Harris—President Biden in Superior; VP Harris in Waukesha
Quote to Note
Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
‘Don’t Give Up’
ICYMI: Message from Ben Wikler, WisDems Party Chair
Feb. 9, 2024
Team MAGA wants you to panic. They want you to curl into a fetal position. They want you to freak out, throw your hands up in despair, turn on your fellow Democrats, and give up.
Don’t fall for it.
Ben Wikler
Yesterday, we saw a partisan hit job dressed up like a legal document: Robert Hur, appointed by loyalty-obsessed Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions as a prosecutor and later tapped as Special Counsel to investigate the handling of classified documents by Joe Biden in the time between his vice presidency and his election, investigated exhaustively, with full cooperation from now-President Biden. Hur interviewed nearly 150 witnesses, reviewed 7 million documents, and spent $3.5 million taxpayer dollars over 15 months. If there was any crime to find, he would have found it. There was not. President Biden handled classified documents the right way, because he takes our national security seriously—and he always has.
So, unable to prosecute, he decided to serve up a Fox News-y fusillade of attacks on Biden As a certain president might say, it’s pure malarkey. The five-hour interview with Biden that Hur’s report reports upon took place on October 8, 2023. Remember what happened on October 7? President Biden was responding in real time to one of the biggest international crises of the last decade. By all accounts, he was doing so masterfully, in full control of an incredibly complex situation—a moment Republican pundits called “President Biden’s finest hour.”
The GOP is turning up their spin machine to 11—because, while Biden emerged clean from an exhaustive investigation, Trump also faced an investigation into his own handling of classified documents… and now faces accountability.
Take a look at what came out of these two investigations, in this chart:
Trump is actively undermining national security and, allegedly, breaking laws willy-nilly in order to protect himself and pull off a criminal cover-up.
He’s a menace. To American security, to democracy, to our allies.
And the GOP knows that, as this truth sinks in with the American public, it’s a political disaster for his presidential campaign.
That’s why they’re kicking up dust and calling it smoke. That’s why they’re trying to get you to stop scrutinizing Trump. That’s why they’re pulling out every dirty dishonest trick in the book. And you’d better believe they’re just getting started.
But we’re not going to let them succeed.
We have a choice to make. Are we going to stay focused, or are we going to let Republican BS send us into a tailspin?
Are we serious about winning this election—stopping the Trumpian menace to the American experiment, and building a future that moves us closest to our highest ideals?
This is a choice we’ve made before. It’s a choice we’ll have to make over and over during the next 269 days. And it’s a choice whose consequences will ripple through the rest of our lives.
Stand firm. Fight back. The country that we love is on the line.
Ten Topics and Myriad Questions
for Tom Tiffany
Part 4: The 2020 Election
By Jim Bootz, Vice Chair, Sawyer County LCO Democrats
Sometimes when Tom Tiffany speaks, it has the effect of an unfinished sentence on me. I find myself waiting for the second part of the sentence that will make sense of the first part. And, not hearing that raises questions.
When I'd last heard, Tom believed that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. He said so. He was asked by attendees at a voter rally last fall who had won the election and, after answering "Biden is president" several times, he admitted that it was a win and not a steal. Although, there was a qualifier. He added "...but there were irregularities." And that would open up a whole new set of questions, but I'll treat that one separately from the first.
If I had the opportunity today to ask some follow-up questions--and there are oh so many--I would have to start by asking if he still believes that Biden won the election, or had he changed his mind about that in the past year. It seems that many of the Republican members of Congress who initially denounced the ex-president over his actions on January 6th have changed their minds back to supporting the coup leader again. Whether or not Tiffany has, would he still support a candidate for president who has continued to lie to this day about having won the last election and it being stolen from him? Can he even begin to justify voting for that?
I'm also concerned about Tiffany's reluctance to admit that Biden had won. What made it difficult for him to say it? Bitterness in defeat? That would seem rather petty. Could it be fear? Would it be awkward if it became known that he disagrees with the leader of his party as to who our legitimate and rightful president is?
Possibly what concerns me most is the question of when it was that Tom Tiffany knew Joe Biden had legally and fairly won the election. Let's go for the obvious question. Did Tom learn about that before or after January 6th when he objected to certifying election results for Arizona and Pennsylvania? Did he knowingly assist in perpetrating a fraud intended to overturn our last presidential election or was he an unwitting dupe?
Now, about those "irregularites." I have a battery of questions for Tom: Name any one of the irregularities. Has it been reported to the authorities? Introduced in a court hearing? If not, why not? If so, which one? What evidence was given? What was the outcome? I'd remind Tom that not one of the claims of election fraud brought by the former president's legal team has held up to scrutiny, largely because they lacked evidence of any kind. So, what was it that was so convincing to Tom that he'd stand up and vote against certifying two state elections?
But, there's more. The effort was organized inside the Republican House Conference to get members voting to de-certify. Whose idea? Who coordinated the effort? Who were the go-betweens that linked members of Congress with the White House in the planning? Who instructed Tom? What would he be willing to tell us about all that?
Rest assured, Tom Tiffany is hoping you'll never ask.
Another Question: Are Trump and Tiffany on Your Side?
By Tom Vitcenda, member, Sawyer County LCO Democrats
Updated slightly from version published in the Ladysmith News, Feb. 8, 2024
Here’s a question for my fellow 7th CD citizens: Are Donald Trump and Tom Tiffany really for you? Are they really on your side? Let’s look at some recent words and actions from these two candidates and decide.
Trump’s line
Trump said he hopes the U.S. economy crashes before the election so he can blame Biden and (he thinks) get back in the White House. Does an economic downturn, and all the suffering it would bring, help you?
Trump said he’ll be a dictator on day one of his hoped-for second term to prosecute, imprison, or even execute anyone he says is an enemy of his administration. Putting aside the issue of whether that’s a normal position for a U.S. presidential candidate to take—Does punishing political enemies help you?
Trump asked Republicans in Congress to oppose the bipartisan border security bill so Biden doesn’t get any credit for solving the problem. In other words, Trump doesn’t want to solve border issues; he just wants to blame Democrats for them. Again—does failure to implement more restrictive border policies and control drug flow across the border help you?
Tiffany’s line
So, Tom Tiffany—not to be outdone by Trump—has voted against every bill that had input from Democrats. The bills that Trump’s mini me (Tiffany) has opposed include the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (which includes a $1 billion grant to replace the Blatnik Bridge between Superior and Duluth), the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and (wait for it) the Consumer Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act. That last vote is rich, given all of Tiffany’s whining about high gas prices.
[Following two paragraphs are updated to reflect latest developments:] And how would Tiffany vote on a bipartisan border bill should it ever make it through both the Senate and the House? A bill that, when last introduced, promised to be the best chance to make some repairs to our broken immigration system. I would be happy if Tiffany voted for the bill, but who knows whether he would, because he’d lose his big talking point. And if he voted against it, well, that would just be more proof that he’s not out to help you.
Any vote a border bill would be another test of whether Tiffany is all talk and no action. Whether he has any substance or is an empty suit. Whether he’s interested in governing or just wants to fight culture wars.
Think for yourself
Now, you don’t have to take my word for all this. If you want to see how Tiffany operates, I suggest you attend one of his town hall meetings. There you will hear with your own ears his constant mantra of division, mistrust of institutions, and outright hatred of government and government employees. Not to mention his unwillingness to listen to anything that comes close to another point of view.
I have been to two of his events and found them to be negative, divisive, condescending, and even bullying. Bottom line: Keep an eye on Trump and Tiffany. Listen to what they say. Watch what they do—and what they don’t do. Then ask yourself: Are they looking out for me and the best interests of the country? Or are they just looking out for themselves and their own interests?
DNR Can Regulate Large Animal-Feeding Operations, Judge Rules
The Cap Times
Jan. 30, 2024
A northeast Wisconsin judge [on Jan. 30] ruled in favor of maintaining a requirement meant to prevent water pollution from large-scale commercial farms, a decision cheered by environmental advocates.
In an oral ruling, Calumet County District Court Judge Carey Reed sided with the state Department of Natural Resources in their bid to dismiss the case, brought by the litigation arm of Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce on behalf of two dairy groups last year. Read full article.
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Tammy Baldwin Fights for Wisconsinites
Source: Ben Wikler’s weekly newsletter
Feb. 9, 2024
[During the week of Feb. 5-9], Senator Tammy Baldwin introduced several pieces of legislation to help Wisconsinites in every corner of the state. She proposed imposing a tax on out-of-state investors who purchase multiple properties in Wisconsin, slowing down these companies from buying up real estate in our communities and driving up costs for Wisconsinites. And working alongside Rep. Betty McCollum of Minnesota, Tammy introduced legislation to support environmental restoration and protection along the Mississippi River. Tammy has even been praised by Republicans across Wisconsin for her work.
Sen. Tammy Baldwin; photo from her website
Throughout her time in the Senate, Tammy has secured significant victories for Wisconsinites, championing legislation that directly addresses Wisconsin’s top concerns. Tammy’s tireless advocacy has secured funding for infrastructure projects that will create jobs and stimulate economic growth across the state, and she’s led the charge to improve access to affordable prescription drugs, helping to cap insulin costs at $35 a month for folks on Medicare, and expand health coverage for essential services to ensure that Wisconsinites receive the care they deserve. It’s essential we reelect Senator Baldwin so she can continue working hard for Wisconsin in the U.S. Senate.
In Case You Missed It
Local Edition
Judge Isham to Visit Feb. 27 Meeting of Sawyer County LCO Dems, Public Welcome
The next meeting of the Sawyer County LCO Democratic Party is set for Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024 at the Kinnamon School Visitor Center and Museum. Come for a social hour and listening session at 5:30 p.m. with Sawyer County Circuit Judge Monica Isham. The regular business meeting starts at 6:30 p.m.
We’d like to see you in person. But you may also attend the meeting by Zoom. Email and we will send you a Zoom link before the meeting. Join us!
In Case You Missed It
State Edition
Gov. Evers Delivers State of the State Address
Jan. 23, 2024
Gov. Tony Evers delivered the sixth State of the State address on Jan. 23. Gov. Evers highlighted historic increases in shared revenue, which are essential to fund public services like EMS, fire, law enforcement, and public transportation, and touted executive action he took to increase public education funding and save Wisconsin’s childcare industry.
Gov. Evers declared that 2024 is the ‘Year of the Worker. The governor outlined the tremendous growth in Wisconsin’s economy over the past year, including increased power for Wisconsin workers after years under Scott Walker’s anti-union, anti-worker administration. Read his full address.
Gov. Evers Files Response to Expert Report Submitted to Wisconsin Supreme Court in Redistricting Lawsuit
Feb. 8, 2024
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers filed a response [on Feb. 8] to the expert report submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court [the previous] week in ongoing redistricting litigation regarding Wisconsin’s legislative districts.
In January, Gov. Evers submitted fair maps to the Wisconsin Supreme Court to consider that are responsive to the will of the people, avoid partisan bias, and increase the number of competitive legislative seats. Additional details on the governor’s submitted maps are available here. Two neutral experts selected by the Court were charged with reviewing all submitted maps, including the governor’s, and released their review of the parties’ maps last week. The governor’s statement regarding the submitted expert report is available here.
The report submitted by two neutral experts to the Court [in January] specifically noted maps submitted by Republicans in the Wisconsin State Legislature and the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty were “partisan gerrymanders.” In relevant part, the experts noted, “[T]he Legislature’s plan does not deserve further consideration….We also note that both the Legislature’s plan and the Johnson plan, from a social science perspective, are partisan gerrymanders.” The expert report also noted the map submitted by Gov. Evers and three other maps under consideration by the Court are “similar on most criteria.”
Gov. Evers, in a filing [on Feb. 8] with the Wisconsin Supreme Court, asked the Court to remove maps submitted by Republicans in the Wisconsin State Legislature and the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (“Respondents”) from further consideration because, as the two neutral experts concluded, the Republican-aligned maps submitted to the Court fail to meet constitutional requirements, are not politically neutral, and prioritize their political party. Further, the governor asks the Court to adopt the fair maps he submitted last month or one of the other remaining maps the experts deemed “similar on most criteria” (“Viable Plans”). Read the full press release.
In Case You Missed It
National Edition
President Biden Touts Wisconsin Infrastructure Investments In Superior
From Ben Wikler’s Jan. 26, 2024 newsletter
[On Jan. 25,[ President Biden visited Superior to announce a new $1 billion investment to replace the Blatnik Bridge, highlighting the Biden-Harris Administration’s progress toward repairing American infrastructure.
Two years ago, President Biden visited the Blatnik Bridge to celebrate the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the president returned to Superior this week to announce a new investment in the future of the Twin Ports. The investment, which was only made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, will create over 10,000 good-paying jobs and support economic growth in Northern Wisconsin.
After Donald Trump turned ‘infrastructure week’ into a punchline, President Biden and Democrats have stepped up and delivered an infrastructure decade. Since the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed in 2021, over $6 billion has been announced to support Wisconsin infrastructure projects. While the Republican Congressmen on both sides of the Blatnik voted against repairing our infrastructure, Democrats like Senator Baldwin helped to get the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law across the finish line and have worked alongside Governor Evers for two years to bring this funding home. President Biden and Wisconsin Democrats are improving our roads, bridges, broadband connectivity, and water quality, and Wisconsinites can trust they will continue doing the right thing for our state.
From Ben Wikler’s Jan. 26, 2024 newsletter
Vice President Harris Defends Reproductive Freedom in Waukesha County
On the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Vice President Kamala Harris kicked off her nationwide ‘Reproductive Health Tour’ in Wisconsin and called out Republican attacks on reproductive freedom. Vice President Harris made clear that Roe would not have been overturned were it not for Donald Trump, who has vowed to lead the charge in passing an abortion ban if he reaches the White House again. As Vice President Harris spoke about the importance of returning reproductive freedom to millions of American women, Wisconsin Republicans in Madison introduced a new extreme abortion ban and even compared women to animals when defending the ban.
While Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans only want to rip away reproductive freedoms, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Senator Baldwin have pushed to codify Roe and to guarantee women nationwide access to reproductive healthcare. The choice this November cannot be more stark, and American freedoms are on the line at the ballot box.