Sawyer County LCO Dems Aid Local Farm Workers Hit by Fire
Dec. 15, 2021
Gayle Johnson, left, gives donation for farm workers to Gloria Pasenen and her furry friend.
The Democratic Party of Sawyer County and Lac Courte Oreilles has donated $200 worth of gift cards to four farm workers who suffered losses in a fire that broke out in a home where they were staying near Exeland on Sunday morning, Dec. 12. The Exeland Fire Department responded to the fire, which seriously damaged the home's interior.
The workers, who were employed by Pasanen Farms, were not injured in the fire. Gloria Pasanen of Pasanen Farms accepted four $50 gift cards from Gayle Johnson, co-chair of Sawyer County LCO Democrats. Gloria thanked Gayle and said she will see that each worker gets a card to buy goods he needs. Pasanen Farms is providing other accommodations for the workers.
Success! Last Batch of Donations Heading to Afghan Refugees
Nov. 2, 2021
Team Rubicon reps help unload donations at the Sparta Armory.
The last batch of donations will get to Afghan refugees in Wisconsin thanks to the persistence of area Democratic party member Ellen Lafans. As reported earlier, three county Democratic parties in northwestern Wisconsin sponsored a drive in late September to collect clothing and other necessities for Afghan refugees and local charities.
The sponsoring parties were Sawyer County LCO Democrats, Chequamagon Democrats of Ashland and Bayfield counties (CheqDems), and Price County Democrats. UpNorth Engaged (UNE) also joined the drive, which resulted in enough donations to fill an SUV and truck to the brim with donations. Ellen is a member of CheqDems and an organizer with UNE.
The drive for Afghan refugees was spearheaded by Annemarie Davies, WisDems field organizer based in Ashland. Annemarie transported an SUV with half new and half used items to the Madison area in early October.
Because Fort McCoy is accepting only new items, Annemarie handed off those for delivery to Fort McCoy and the used items for delivery to a Madison-area Goodwill. That left a truckful of used items that Ellen volunteered to transport, and she was determined that those remaining items eventually get to refugees once they’re resettled in Wisconsin communities.
After weeks of searching for a charity or agency that could ensure the remaining used items went to refugees, Ellen got a tip from fellow CheqDems member Eric Lindell. He put her in touch with a connection to representatives from Team Rubicon who said they could accept the items at the Sparta Armory for ultimate delivery to Afghan refugees.
Ellen drove the donations to the Sparta Armory in late October. She was joined by fellow Democrat Chris Groebner on the trip to Sparta. “The donations got where they needed to go,” Ellen said. “Thanks to everyone who helped.”
For more information, see earlier story below.
‘Cash or Cans’ Drive Draws Generous Support for Area Food Shelves
Oct. 11, 2021
Kay and Ward Winton join Joan Cervenka (with sign) at the Cash or Cans drive in Hayward.
More than $1,095 and over 246 pounds of food went to area food shelves on Oct. 9 following a “Cash or Cans” food drive sponsored by the Sawyer County LCO Democratic Party in three area communities.
Volunteers accepted donations for two hours in downtown Hayward, at the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation, and in Radisson. Party members and supporters helped with collections at all three locations, with assistance from Hayward Community Food Shelf volunteers in Hayward.
Thanks to these efforts, much-needed funds and non-perishable food items went to the Hayward Community Food Shelf, the Winter Harvest of Friends Food Pantry, and the LCO Circle Free Store. This large collection in just two hours shows that our communities care for each other.
If you missed the food drives on the 9th, you can still donate directly to the three food shelves named above, or others that serve your neighbors. Or, you can donate directly to the Sawyer County Senior Resource Center Meals on Wheels program. Thank you!
Tom Vitcenda staffs the Cash or Cans station in Radisson.
Northwestern Wisconsin Democrats Spearhead Drive for Afghan Refugees, Others
Oct. 6, 2021
Annemarie Davies, left, helps pack donations for Afghan refugees and charities in Wisconsin.
The generosity of northwestern Wisconsin residents was on full display recently as area Democrats sponsored a drive to collect clothing and other necessities for Afghan refugees and local charities. Residents gave enough to fill an SUV and truck to the brim, with new items going to Afghan refugees and used items going to thrift stores and free stores in the state.
Nearly 13,000 Afghan refugees are being housed at Fort McCoy, a U.S. Army base near Tomah. As of mid-September, about 400 refugees were scheduled for permanent settlement in Wisconsin, state officials said. That number could change in the future.
Annemarie Davies, WisDems field organizer based in Ashland, led the drive for refugees with area Democrats. She appealed to party members and friends of Sawyer County LCO Democrats, Chequamagon Democrats of Ashland and Bayfield counties, and Price County Democrats for donations.
Up North Engaged (UNE), a progressive group including members from Sawyer and Bayfield counties, also joined the drive, with Scott Smith of Hayward partnering with Sawyer County LCO Democrats in expanding the collection. He gathered donations from UNE members, as well as members of Hayward Wesleyan Church and Cable United Church of Christ.
Inspired to Launch the Drive
Annemarie said she was inspired to launch the drive after participating in a WisDems phone bank in August. “I talked to a lot of people who wanted to know how they could help, so I decided to organize this,” she said.
The impressive response to appeals was evident in a Hayward parking lot just before the Women’s March on Oct. 2. That’s when volunteers finished loading up donations solicited by Annemarie into her SUV and donations solicited by Scott into a truck owned by Ellen Lafans, an active Democrat and organizer with UNE.
Democratic party donations were half new and half gently used, while donations solicited through UNE were mostly used. Annemarie then drove the Democratic party donations to Madison, where she passed the new items on to representatives for transport to Fort McCoy, and the used items on to a Madison-area Goodwill.
An Appeal from Ellen
Meanwhile, Ellen is striving to find a way for the remaining used items to make their way to Afghan refugees. That’s a challenge, she said, because Fort McCoy is “saturated” with donations and is not accepting any more used items. (Officials are only accepting new items for refugees at this time.)
Since Oct. 2, Ellen has called about 15 charitable organizations around the state, but they are not taking used items for refugees. However, she’s hoping for a better result in Wausau. After hearing that about 85 Afghan refugees are expected to permanently settle there, Ellen is asking charities in that area to take the remaining used items.
“I hope that many of the used items will go to refugees in Wausau, but I can’t say that for certain,” she said. “If anyone knows of a place that will take used items for refugees, please contact me before next Tuesday, Oct. 12. I’m still working on getting items to the refugees.”
Ellen’s email is
Scott Smith’s truck was packed to the brim with donations.